Magistritöö veeäärsetest arendustest ja Kalarannast / Master thesis about waterfront developments and Kalarand
[In English below]
Maria Lindmäe ingliskeelne magistritöö "Urban Waterfront Regeneration and Public Participation. Confrontation or Cooperation? The Case of Kalarand, Tallinn" uurib veeäärseid arendusi Euroopas ja selle taustal Kalasadamasse planeeritavat. Autor analüüsib Kalaranna juhtumit osalusplaneerimise prisma kaudu ning juurdleb, kas kodanike osalemine võiks avalduda ka muul moel kui planeeringule vastandudes.
Lindmäe leiab, et Kalaranna kõige olulisem tunnus on see, et see on ainuke rand Tallinna kesklinnas, kus on kokkupuude veega. Kui seda liivaranda säilitada, võib Kalarand pääseda veeäärse arenduse tiitlist, mis võib olla ükskõik kus ja mitte kusagil. Sellist kopeerimist saab vältida, kui pööratakse piisavalt tähelepanu neile tõikadele, mis defineerivad Kalaranda eristuva kohana, mida loovad selle koha kasutajad olemasolevat olukorda väärtustades.
Magistritöö valmis Barcelonas, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona 2014. a septembris. Altpoolt saab magistritöö alla laadida.
Maria Lindmäe's Master thesis "Urban Waterfront Regeneration and Public Participation. Confrontation or Cooperation? The Case of Kalarand, Tallinn" (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2014) analyses waterfront developments in European cities and examines the case of the Kalasadam detailed plan. The author analyses the case of Kalarand through the lens of participatory planning and
Some excerpts from the thesis:
"One of the most important characteristics of Kalarand is that it is the only beach in central Tallinn that offers straight access to the water. The simplicity and naturalness of the sand strip is what already makes the beach a phenomenon, especially when taking into account its proximity to the city centre and the main harbour. Conserving this unique character is what could save Kalarand from becoming an urban waterfront of ‘everywhere and nowhere’. This type of copy-paste of surroundings and morphologies could be avoided if adequate attention were given to the aspects that define Kalarand as a ‘differential space’ that is “created and dominated by its users from the basis of its given conditions."
"The case study of Kalarand is an example of how such historic, economic and legislative circumstances may impede establishing efficient policies of participatory planning. It is also an example of how the incapacity of cooperation between the actors interested in the configuration of public space may lead to the stalling of projects that, in principle, aim to improve the quality of the urban space. The unceasing opposition of the local community has become the principle force demanding more complexity in the uses of the water’s edge. Consequently, they are also responsible for the construction of a lived space in the midst of a high-value terrain that awaits the approval of a development project that is expected to entail the privatization of the public blue space."
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